Pesky Gremlins Comic 422 – Paid in Full

Paid in Full

Snafu seeks and finds a werewolf for hire to scare Lucas.  He also decides to test some of the myths he has heard about werewolves.  Apparently, at least some of these myths are true!

THIS JUST IN – The official musician for Pesky Gremlins, Dan Gibson, has just completed a new tune!  It’s a Halloween song about Slim, the glow-in-the-dark plastic skeleton!!  Here is the link:


Another scene for The Invisible Monster.  The invisible monster (which is clearly visible) is being lured to his doom by Dr. Quest.  From Jonny Quest episode #20 The Invisible Monster.

Jonny Quest The Invisible Monster


When I first saw The Invisible Monster as a small child, it scared the bejeebers out of me.  Since then, it has become my favorite Jonny Quest episode.

6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 422 – Paid in Full

  1. Not a good idea to annoy the big bad wolf…

    Yeah, the invisible monster was one of their scariest episodes.

    Ha! The music video was hilarious! Never realized the gremlins sounded like chipmunks!

    1. If you are paying the werewolf, you get a little wiggle room.

      I was not entirely happy with that invisible monster. He just wasn’t as scary as I remembered him. I may have to do another one for Inktober.

      Thanks for the comment on the music/video! Dan will be happy to hear that.

  2. Crossed his palm with silver and left an indelible impression on him. Nope, not a good start for sure.

    1. Not an auspicious start. But what would you expect from a connection like this made on the internet?

  3. Not a good idea to aggravate a hired werewolf hooligan.

    1. Gremlins are not known for their good ideas. The urge to pay in silver was just too tempting.

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