Pesky Gremlins Comic 553 – Rules Schmules

Rules Schmules

A change in the Figgy Pudding Christmas Decoration Contest rules renders the gremlin’s previous year’s entry illegal!

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 553 – Rules Schmules

  1. Can you lay it sideways in a relaxed waving pose or does that disqualify it too?

    1. The rules use the word “tall” which would leave the door wide open for a large reclining decoration. At least that’s how I read it.

  2. Badges !!! We don’t care about NO STINK’N badges !!! We eat Home Owners Associations for snacks !!!

    1. The HOA will have a hard time getting gremlins to follow rules AND HOA’s are good when dipped in ranch dressing.

  3. You could have multiple 99 ft tall displays.

    1. Now that is thinking like a gremlins!

  4. Course, there is also the ‘Mad Madam Mim’ approach to rules… (she only wants rules so she can break them)

    1. Most people don’t know this, but Mad Madam Mim developed here approach to rules while she was president of her HOA.

  5. Jack of Gulls Comic

    The decorations may say “Peace on Earth” but it’s all out war!

    1. Yes, people (and gremlins) tend to go a little overboard with their holiday decorating contests.

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