News You Can’t Use

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 637 – News You Can’t Use

News You Can’t Use

Elmo endures the full force of an entire evening news broadcast and is just a little worse for the wear.

Today’s web bonus image is an old Russian airplane done in an old fashion manner.  Most of the drawings and illustrations that I do have a lot of help from the computer.  This one, however,  is done entirely in a traditional fashion (well, I did have to scan it to be able to show it to you).  This one was done with a pen and ink outline and then colored with Windsor and Newton art markers.

Tupolev Tu-95 Tu95 Bear illustration

6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 637 – News You Can’t Use

  1. The news of doom is common these days.

    Two props on each engine? That’s strange.

    1. I am kind of weary of the news.

      Contra-rotating props were the way to generate more power before jet engines completely overshadowed the propeller engines. Amazingly, many of these planes are still in service.

  2. I don’t think METV even shows the news. Just a lot of really old programs that are a comfort to an old so and so like me.

    This is the first I’ve ever heard of a contra-rotating prop myself. Great work, Howard! Flawless marker work. I never could get markers to work that well.

    1. I don’t watch much TV anymore. But when I do, I do like the older stuff, too.

      You are just too young to remember contra-rotating props! My maker work is far from flawless, but thank you none the less! I am certain that you could do just as well with the marker. Just get the good ones with the fine tips and remember that the is no Ctrl-Z 🙂 .

  3. Just check the headlines and get off there!

    1. More excellent advise. Clearly, Elmo is suffering from News over-exposure.

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