Pesky Gremlins Comic 752 – Winning Combination

Winning Combination

The ghost from The Ring wins the scariest ghost contest because anything can be scary when it’s holding a big knife.

Since today is Halloween AND it is also a Sunday, Pesky Gremlins is appearing with its first (and quite possibly last) expanded SUNDAY EDITION!   I struggled a little with how to format an expanded attention and eventually ran out of time.   Running out of time is a great motivator, so I just went with an expanded vertical format.   It was possible to run it in a more traditional horizontal format, like the newspapers use, but as I mentioned, I was out of time.

AND here is the Hidden Jack-O-Lantern background image (normal sized)


Spooky Background Pumpkin Patch Jack o Lantern


4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 752 – Winning Combination

  1. Hopefully that sword will do no damage! (and oh I love the jack-o-lanterns)!

    1. It’s ghost sword so it looks scarier than it is.

      Thanks! The jack-o-lanterns were the part of this strip that I enjoyed the most.

  2. Personally, I would have voted for the Jag with its engine removed. That will be frighteningly expensive.

    1. That would be scary on an entirely different level!

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