In Control

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 379 – In Control

In Control

Remember watching reruns of The Outer Limits?  How each episode began with the disembodied voice telling us that THEY were in control?  Well…

13 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 379 – In Control

  1. And usually just when you’re shutting down the computer and you need to leave right now!

    1. I see you have experienced the joy of Windows Update, too.

  2. It’s all part of a Russian / Chinese / Thai restaurant cyber attack on the Food Network. 🙂 Hot and Spicy Borsch.

    1. I had no idea that the conspiracy went that deep! What is next? Pizza??

  3. It that like a disembodied voice? 😛

    1. It is exactly like a disembodied voice! (I make lots of typos late at night when I post these things) 🙂

  4. Ugh! Seemed like my modem was saying that the entire week my internet was on the fritz!

    1. I have experienced internet hardware problems in the past, but Windows Updates are by far the worst issue now.

      Bye the way, I hope you internet problems are resolved once and for all.

      1. It appears to be, (Thank The Good Lord).

  5. Patience! 😉

    1. A trait that I could always use more of.

  6. I have heard that the resistance is futile.

    1. They don’t like to come right out and SAY that, but yes.

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