Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: WWI Aircraft

Backgrounds: WWI Aircraft

You can’t really do a comic strip based on gremlins without having an airplane or two.  Back in January, I took a deep breath and ran a story about the gremlins in an imaginary WWI situation.  The deep breath was for my first attempt to do this story while also introducing some color to the Pesky Gremlins comic.  Prior to this, the strip was mostly black & white.   Anyway, I did not know how to do color and spent an enormous amount of time struggling to get the first couple of planes to look good enough to present.   In hind sight, there were two problems with starting with WWI aircraft.  First, most of the pictures of WWI aircraft are in black and white (duh!).  Second, most of the pictures of WWI aircraft are taken while these aircraft were sitting on the ground (which makes for  boring in-flight pictures).  I eventually found several suitable source examples of WWI aircraft on some scale model sites.

Here are several full size example of Fubar’s trusty SE5a Scout (before it crashed).

SE5a biplane WWI

SE5a biplane WWI

And here are several of Lucas' SPAD

SPAD biplane WWI

SPAD biplane WWI

WWI Flyer Snoopy Fubar

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: WWI Aircraft

  1. I don’t know much about airplanes, but the old biplanes are pretty neat.

    I thought your comic was always in colour, but I haven’t been around here that long.

    1. The comic has not been around that long, either. It started in March 2016. The comic strip was mostly black and white up until the biplane adventure. Even in that series, the gremlins were still black and white.

      Here is a link to the start of the biplane story:

  2. Ha! Snoopy was a nice touch! XD

    1. WWI airplanes always remind people of Snoopy. So here he is! That is actually the old Snoopy from the biplane story (link above). He showed up in that, too.

  3. Best background props of any webcomic. I’m so envious.

    1. Thanks J.P.! I would be happy to do some for Bug Pudding. Just let me know what you want and give me a little time.

  4. Nice! And nice to see Snoopy!

    1. Thanks David! I hope that the Shultz estate and Met Life feel the same way 🙂

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