Fall at Once While Elmo and his dog. Sprocket, enjoy a bright fall afternoon, the leaves begin falling.
8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 756 – Fall at Once”
Colour has returned! That would make clean up a lot easier. Only one raking!
H Stacy
Some of those leaves are going to be hard to rake up since they got outside the panel frame.
David Hurley
That’s what we like to see!
H Stacy
Lots of Fall color!
Jerry Keslensky
Leaves falling out of a small pile turning into a huge monster pile.
H Stacy
It is inspired by real life. I have only one tree in my yard and end up with about 20 trees worth of leaves every year.
Jerome R Cudney
Which of the Gremlins assisted the trees in dropping all those leaves at once ?
H Stacy
In this case, the name of the gremlin dropping all of the leaves is “Nature”. Our regular gremlins will make their “contribution” to the Fall season starting tomorrow.