Pesky Gremlins Comic 321 – The Interview #2

The Interview #2

When overly confident Interviewee 001 successfully buzzes in, she takes her first serious look at the competition and is…  surprised.

ALSO, be sure and see what is happening to Kenny over at Dust Bunny Mafia as he learns the ropes at his new job at Amazoogle.

12 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 321 – The Interview #2

  1. “You talkin’ to me? That’s MR. YELLOW BUNNY to youz!” – Interviewee 023

    1. I apologize for Interviewee001’s rude behavior. Do you want to “Blip” her or should I?

  2. Hire the yellow bunny !!! Hire the yellow bunny !!! Hire the yellow bunny !!! Hire the yellow bunny !!!

    1. Actually, Kenny, the yellow bunny, HAS been hired and you can read about his Amazoogle work adventures at Dust Bunny Mafia.

  3. That question is asked so many times, but it has to be among the top ten snoddiest questions asked by an interviewer. I think the only real reason it’s asked so much is to see how much the potential employee is willing to be disrespected for the sake of a job. Course, I think Kenny is the most formidable competition she has for this position. I have a feeling his answer to that question would be more painful than the rest… O_o

    1. I would agree with that “With so many talented candidates, why should we hire you?” is one of the top ten nasty interview questions. In fact, a quick internet search (of Stupid Interview Questions) finds it sitting at number 2 on a Forbes list!

  4. I think she is frustrated.

    1. She most certainly is frustrated and its highly likely that it will get worse.

  5. A fuzzy animal would be my first choice.

    1. Everyone loves the fuzzy employees until they start shedding.

      1. Everyone talks about how bad animal fur is…but have you seen how much humans shed? Try living with wooden floors for a year. 😛

        1. I’ve never had wood floors. I will take your word for that 🙂

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