Backgrounds: Airplane
You can’t have a cartoon featuring gremlins without aircraft. Here are several aircraft that I drew as backgrounds for the Pesky Gremlins strip during 2018.
The first aircraft is an enormous bomber, the B-36 Peacemaker, from the 1950’s. Here is the pen and ink drawing of this aircraft.
Yep, there is a little Lucas at the bottom.
Here is the finished aircraft, minus the little Lucas. I only use the left half of this drawing in the comic strip.
Here is the same aircraft from the front. It would be fun to do a more detailed version of this airplane but I would need a bigger canvas.
And here is an airship from the 1930’s. This is the USS Akron which was a flying aircraft carrier! It carried something like 5 aircraft that could be launched and recover from this airship. This picture and the associated gremlins story has not been run.
6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic Backgrounds: Airplane”
Very nice drawings!
I’ve seen old films of biplanes docking with an airship, and it looks pretty precarious!
H Stacy
Ah, I see that you understand the gremlin angle that the story might take.
Whoa! I thought airship carriers was just a steampunk style sci fi! I knew they were more advanced than most folks realized, but I didn’t know to what extent.
Cool illustrations, man!
H Stacy
Yes they really had flying aircraft carriers back in the 30’s. I am still toying with the idea of doing a gremlins story line with the airship…
David Hurley
Those are nice!
H Stacy
Thanks David! Wish I had some more time so that I could make them a little nicer but then again, they were all backgrounds for the gremlins.