A Chilling Discovery
A police officer crosses the blob’s trail at the local super market and makes a chilling discovery. Well… maybe not chilling per se, but alarming in light of the coming holiday.
On a little side note, the police officer comes from the very first Slim Halloween story. In that story, Slim “borrowed” Elmo’s Corvette and was issued a ticket by the very same officer (Officer Stern) and his trusty Crown Vic patrol car. Of course the gremlins did not stand idly by. Here is a link to that old story:
Pesky Gremlins Comic 108 – You’ll Drive?
Today’s web page bonus image is yet another Jony Quest Inktober image. This one is from the “House of 7 Gargoyles” episode. It’s obvious where the episode got its name. If you look closely, you will see one of these things in not like the others.
10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 679 – A Chilling Discovery”
YIKES!! Quite a horrifying turn of events!
Glad to find there was another kid enjoying those Jonny Quests! That bonus pic is spot on!!
H Stacy
Since this is just a one Super Market town, it is even more horrible!
I admit that I am a Jonny Quest fan. I even got the DVD as a gift and that’s what sparked all the Jonny Quest drawings.
I must admit, all those Halloween candies and chocolate bars are too tempting to resist. Luckily they can make them fast than we can eat them. I think.
Those old Halloween strips were fun!
H Stacy
Even a discriminating eater, like our Blob, has difficulties resisting all those little candies. Hopefully, the town mayor can get an emergency truckload of Halloween candy before Trick or Treat!
Ah, I see you followed the link and saw Slim’s first Halloween appearance. Slim looks just a little different now.
David Hurley
Who could resist that?!
H Stacy
I know I can’t resist. I’ve already gone through a bag or two.
Tony McGurk
I admire & envy the Blob now
H Stacy
The Blob humbly thanks you.
Dana Atnip
That’s quite a delicious assortment of candy there! Blob has good taste!
H Stacy
The inclusion of the “Dots” is a little questionable.