Pesky Gremlins Comic 659 – Undivided Attention

Undivided Attention

Having access to all of Elmo’s personal data gives Siri quite an edge in securing Elmo’s undivided attention.

Today’s web page bonus image is, you guessed it, the Lamborghini from today’s cartoon.  This is the ink drawing or another page for the coloring book that I seem to be working on.

Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster

As usual, I was in a hurry when I picked this car. IF, I had paid a little more attention, I would have picked something else. The Lamborghini has a lot of fine detail that I did not notice until I was about half way through the drawing. This added a lot of time to what usually takes about 2 hours. As a result, the ink was pretty good, but I ran out of time doing the painting part.

6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 659 – Undivided Attention

  1. I think Elmo needs to call in sick and have a fun driving day.

    Really nice Aventador! And yes, it has a lot of hard lines and detail, which you’ve captured very nicely.

    1. An excellent suggestion for Elmo. It would be hard for Elmo to turn down that Lamborghini.

      Thank you, Peter! The Aventador is a neat car with lots of details!

  2. That got everyone’s attention!

    1. Almost everyone’s attention. The gremlins, at least so far, missed the Lamborghini.

  3. Siri’s rental = Elmo: (deep base voice) oh, yeeah…

    Bonus pic = (deep base voice) oooh, yeeeeah…

    1. Oooh, Yeeeah (in best Barry White voice)

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