Pesky Gremlins Comic 647 – Closer Together

Closer Together

A relentless work schedule has finally pierced Elmo’s usual clueless calm demeanor.

Today’s web page bonus images are the pencil sketches used to produce today’s cartoon.  The first one below has been run through a Photoshop filter to a make it darker so that is it easier for me (and you) to see.

sketch sketchbook

The pencil sketches aren’t really much more that a bunch of doodles until they are scanned into the computer where I now ink and color them.

The next sketch was also ran through a Photoshop filter, but in the opposite direction. The wingback chair drawing was scanned in and lightened until it was barely visible and then printed out on paper so that I could draw Elmo and Lucas in the proper poses. Getting Elmo in that brooding pose was something that I didn’t think that I could eyeball correctly.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 647 – Closer Together

  1. Using technology to fight technology!

    Nice to see your sketches. A lot of work goes into every panel.

    1. Elmo is using technology to insulate himself. After he finishes sulking, he should get a good nights sleep.

      Actually, it’s far less work than it was several years ago. While I still start out with a pencil and paper, I move to the computer after that and it is MUCH faster. Although, I do miss inking with pens and brushes.

  2. Again, poor Elmo…

    Great work, Howard! Really like all the different stages of development!

    1. Obviously, Elmo has had a tough day at work. Who hasn’t been there?

      Thanks RG, but my pencil work looks like scribbles compared to yours 🙂 .

  3. Jack of Gulls Comic

    I was camping this weekend, and some of my cousins were around the campfire on their phones all the time. We were close… yet not even together.

    1. It’s harder and harder to escape the grip of the ever present cell phone!

  4. Don’t forget to turn on the sprinkler system!

    1. Good point! Alexa: turn on the sprinkler system if anyone approaches the door!

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