Pesky Gremlins Comic 525 – Not So Great Escape

Not So Great Escape

After the Ultimate Universal Remote Controls awesome display of power (which might have had another purpose), Fubar attempts to make his escape.

This will be the last Pesky Gremlins for a while.  I have had a close family member develop a serious medical condition that will take me away from the drawing board.

6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 525 – Not So Great Escape

  1. They’re all now Universal Control Zombies!

    I hope your family member will get well soon.

    1. Those bolts of lightning were an invitation to the party!

      Thanks you for that. Hitting the road in a few minutes and hoping for the best.

  2. Time to use Gremlin magic!

    Hope your family member gets well soon.

  3. Jack of Gulls Comic

    Yikes! Zombies!

  4. Praying for your whole family in this time.

  5. Boy that remote really does have great power of control.
    Hop you family member is doing OK

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