Pesky Gremlins Comic 488 – Did I do that?

Did I do that?

Fubar, being a bit of a simpleton, does not understand what the internet stranger is accusing him of.

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 488 – Did I do that?

  1. Fubar’s been a lot busier than I thought he was.

    1. He has been around a long time.

  2. The legendary gremlin, Fubar.

    Fubar: What? Me?

    1. Fubar may be dangerously dumb!

  3. Jack of Gulls Comic

    Plane crashes…. more talk like that and it’ll cause the computer to crash….. gotta get outta that website!

    1. Dimwitted gremlins never know when to quit!

  4. Time to invoke Expectorant Privilege before you are forced to cough up the truth.

    1. Fubar should invoke the Expectorant Privilege now and separate fact from aspersion

  5. It’s getting deeper and deeper!

    1. Yes, and there is another truck load on the way!

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