Pesky Gremlins Comic 280 – Additional Charge

Additional Charge

You all know that one of the airlines will start doing this at some point.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 280 – Additional Charge

  1. Air is precious!

    1. Yes! The O2 fee is not an offer that you can refuse.

  2. I guess holding your breath wouldn’t work.

    1. I think that Nickel and Dime Airline charges the O2 fee whether or not you breath their air

  3. This airline sucks the life outta its customers! >:(

    1. They would rather suck up all their money!

  4. This strip is starting to shed some light on the growing mental health crisis in the USA. This guy is going to drive Elmo nuts. He may have to beat him to death with a bump stock.

    1. You may be on to something. Airlines may, indeed, cause mental health issues.

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