Pesky Gremlins Comic 416 – Prelude


Slim highlights his spooky story but the gremlins remain skeptical as to how scary the story actually is.

For those not familiar with Slim, he is a simple plastic skeleton that comes to life during the month of October. Slim attributes this miracle to the magic sunglasses duct-taped to his head which are rumored to have belonged to Frosty the Snowman. If you are so inclined, here is a link to Slim’s first appearance:

Also, here is a link to last year’s Halloween story:

This one is one of the fake yeti monsters from Monster in a Monastery.   From Jonny Quest episode #25  Monster in a Monastery

Jonny Quest Monster in a Monastery fake Yeti

11 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 416 – Prelude

  1. The News will do it every time!

    1. The Evening News is the scariest program out there.

  2. For Halloween we all should dress up like cable news personalities. I want to be Rachel Maddow. She is scarier than any witch banshee or ogre and that’s before she takes off her makeup.

    1. ‘snort’ Hahahahahahahahahaha! (that J.P.) heheheheheheheheh…

    2. All the cable news people are kind of scary.

  3. Ha! The expressions are all unique and hilarious! Unimpressed Lucas is not impressed…

    1. Thanks RG! Even little Sprocket is skeptical of Slim.

  4. Politics have scared us all.

    1. Not just politics. The evening news in general is gloomy. So, I just spend the time at the drawing board, instead. 🙂

  5. I agree. The nightly news is way to scary!

    1. Don’t watch it alone!

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