It does kind of date us. But Fearless Fosdick is appropriate for the time period that this story takes place. Also, I still am a big fan of Al Capp. He was a great cartoonist and a brilliant marketeer.
Fearless Fosdick was a character that was ‘a comic within a comic’. Li’l Abner would read about his adventures in the Dogpatch funnies, and it would provide a whole different story arc.
12 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 271 – Fearless”
Jerry Keslensky
Fearless Fosdick ! Wow an Al Capp tribute. A classic character.
H Stacy
Fearless Fosdick is one of my all time favorite cartoon characters. Only thing is, not sure if people still remember him.
Jerry Keslensky
It definitely dates us , Howard. I was a huge fan of Al Capp when I was a kid. His comics were so inventive.
H Stacy
It does kind of date us. But Fearless Fosdick is appropriate for the time period that this story takes place. Also, I still am a big fan of Al Capp. He was a great cartoonist and a brilliant marketeer.
I liked Dick Tracy, but I didn’t remember Fearless Fosdick in Li’l Abner.
Fearless Fosdick was a character that was ‘a comic within a comic’. Li’l Abner would read about his adventures in the Dogpatch funnies, and it would provide a whole different story arc.
Oops! Forgot to give you the link!
Interesting. Thanks for the link!
H Stacy
You might not be old enough to remember Fearless Fosdick. He showed up in the early 1940s.
…And, no, I am not that old:)
H Stacy
I may not be that old, but I’m old enough!
gotta say… I… I never expected Fosdick! Wonderfully random!
H Stacy
Why, thank you RG! I was a little concerned that I had set the Way-Back machine a little too far.
Also, thanks for putting the link to Fearless in the comments. I should have done that when I posted the first Fearless Fosdick cartoon.