Rally the Troops
After Sprocket’s barking routed the grackle onslaught, Gunther, the leader of the grackles rallies the birds and points them back at the red car and it’s occupants.
The character Gruppenführer Gunther, the grackle, obscurer of windshields, destroyer of automotive finishes, and general all-around bad bird is based upon a real grackle that roosts in a tree near my house. While the real bird does not have a Monocle/Bombsite like Gunther, he does seem to command the other grackles and frequently soils the windshields of my cars.
13 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 373 – Rally the Troops”
David Hurley
No time to sputter now!
H Stacy
Right, with the car sputtering to start, Elmo and Sprocket are sitting ducks.
Jerry Keslensky
We have Starlings in huge flocks here in Georgia. That are loud and aggressive birds. Fortunately they are keep under some control by the Red Tailed Hawks. It’s a bird eat bird world
H Stacy
I am not really doing the grackles justice in these cartoons. When the grackles show up en mass, there are thousands of them. They turn the sky black and the ground under where they roost white. The few Red Tailed Hawks here are well fed but don’t make much of a dent in the grackle population.
Need to find a way to shoot back, Elmo! Hmmm… Got any left over bottle rockets?
H Stacy
No bottle rockets or roman candles on hand. A friendly owl or red tailed hawk might be helpful.
The real battle is about to begin!
H Stacy
Actually, this little story is just about over.
Jack of Gulls Comic
Excellent use of “Squawk” with the skull. Love it!
H Stacy
Thanks Jack. I appreciate that coming from someone who draws a bird-based comic strip!
Jack of Gulls Comic
I just love seeing everyone’s takes on birds. It’s so much fun.
H Stacy
There are a million variations cartoon birds out there. I am particularly drawn to those who can draw the bird’s wings well!
Jack of Gulls Comic
Drawing wings gives a good toon bird flight!