Pesky Gremlins Comic 329 – Familiar Face

Familiar Face

With Stu Stigian, there’s never been a face that he could remember and never a name that he didn’t forget.

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 329 – Familiar Face

  1. He forgets . . .

    1. He is not much of a “people person”. Perhaps, recruiting is not a good career choice?

  2. Gather round and pay heed, there is much to fear. The Empire is alive in word and deed, Darth Bezos does live here. ( Note: ever noticed how much Jeff Bezos looks like Dr Evil from the Austin Power’s movies. )

    1. Bezos does have the Bond villain look about him.

  3. I’m not very good with faces, either. Or names.

    1. To be honest, I am not very good with names, either. That’s where the inspiration for Stu came from.

  4. Yeah, I thought she looked familiar… :/

    1. Yep, She has been hiding in plain sight the whole time. I was wondering if anyone noticed.

  5. Memory is not serving him very well, that’s for sure!

    1. He is, quite possibly, the worse with names in all webcomics!

      Glad to see you back, Mark! We have missed you.

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