Pesky Gremlins Comic 349 – Foreign Language

Foreign Language

Snafu, continues to try and prove the point that Lucas is the only one who does not comprehend Canine-ese.  Unfortunately, Fubar is being used to prove the point.

6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 349 – Foreign Language

  1. Well maybe speaking canine-ese will help him to understand it.
    (Sp error in first dialog)

    1. Perhaps Snafu just has a gift for language and is the only one who speaks fluent Canine-ese. (Which cheeses Lucas to no end)

  2. Unfortunately Fubar is not a Rhodes Scholar. In fact the boy is so slow he’s not even a Dirt Roads Scholar. He’s more of an infrequently used goat trail scholar. 🙂

    1. True. To call Fubar a dim bulb is an affront to all of the dim bulbs of the world.

  3. Smug Lucas is being… well… a little too smug… ?

    1. Fubar is certainly helping Lucas’ side of the discussion.

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