Wonders of the Modern Office

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 129 – Wonders of the Modern Office

Wonders of the Modern Office

The modern office is simply filled with opportunities for gremlins to apply their skills.  ...and learn new ones!

This is the other comic that SHOULD have appeared last week.  This one was scheduled to be posted on Friday December 9.  But it didn’t.  This was due to a glitch, snafu, or fubar on our hosting service’s part.   I have been informed by the gremlins in our cast that this situation  was entirely of human making.   They always let me know when they do something, like the water pump on my car that they trashed this weekend.  Anyway, the website back to normal and the next new Pesky Gremlins will be up next Wednesday.

2 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 129 – Wonders of the Modern Office

  1. Some kids dream of a candy store, some dream of a toy store, but these guys dream of an office full of stuff that can go on the fritz.

    1. …and irritate people. Its no fun if no one notices.

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