Pesky Gremlins meet Air Bear Guest Cartoon Aaron Stines

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Pesky Gremlins meet Air Bear

Pesky Gremlins  meet Air Bear

Aaron Stines, the talented artist that creates the comic Air Bear, contacted me recently to let me know that he had an idea for an Pesky Gremlins meet Air Bear cartoon.  Here is the result!

I love cartoons with lots of side gags and this one has several.  I think the Twilight Zone gremlins is spot on and just looks terrific.  I got a laugh out loud moment when it sunk in on me that the auto-pilot from the movie “Airplane” was in Fubar’s box.  Well done Aaron!

Check out Aaron’s work at Air Bear Entertainment.

Oh, yeah, I drew a couple background airplanes and just for fun here they are:

Ryan PT-22 PT22 illustration

Ryan PT-22 PT22 illustration

4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins meet Air Bear

  1. Neat comic! And nice job on the planes.

    I think your Pesky Gremlins may have refurbished a lot of cars as well.

    1. Snafu has been caught red-handed “refurbishing” Elmo’s Jaguar. There may well be other “refurbishment” incidents.

  2. Gremlins are crazy folks.

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