Pesky Gremlins Comic 768 – Substitution


Rob, The Computer Bug, recaps all of the short comings he has found related to Lucas’ computer work and has a novel approach to rectifying the situation.

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 768 – Substitution

  1. Well incompetence is not to be tolerated in the I.T. Division. Things must break down

    1. That is just the kind of behavior that will get a gremlin fired!

  2. The ultimate disgrace, to be usurped by a lowly bug!

    1. At roughly 7 feet tall, Rob, The Computer Bug, might not be considered “lowly” But, yeah, being replaced by a bug has got to hurt Lucas’ pride.

  3. Bad idea!

    1. A radical idea from the mind of a giant bug.

  4. Looks like this is going to be a hostile take over…

    1. Lucas is certainly viewing it that way.

  5. NO one can replace Lucas!!

    1. If Lucas does get replaced, He wanted to know if you might have any openings in Galactic Dragons?

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