Pesky Gremlins Comic 443 – UnElves


Gremlins can be very territorial.  They take a dim view of anyone caught messing with THEIR victim (aka Elmo).

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 443 – UnElves

  1. It’s the Santa hats.

    1. Santa hats make most anything Christmasy.

  2. It is a good piece of suburban wisdom to not mess with the yard gnomes. In this case they bite.

  3. They’re just puffy from too much Thanksgiving turkey.

    1. That they are, but it works to their advantage in this situation.

  4. Heheheheheheheheheheh! Looks more like ‘dis’ elves to me! 😆

    1. Ooh, I like that one better. 🙂

  5. Give em the moon!

    1. Fubar does seem to be mooning them. 🙂

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