Pesky Gremlins Comic 871 – A Simple Request

A Simple Request

Don't you hate it when someone takes a simple request as an opportunity to lecture you on how smart they are? In the future, just think how much more you will hate it when that lecture is coming from a machine. 

I really had not intended to do any more AI refrigerator cartoons, but there have been requests for his return. So here he is.

Can anyone think of a good name for a manic-depressive, artificially intelligent, stainless steel refrigerator?

4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 871 – A Simple Request

  1. Mr. Fridge won’t be so smart if you unplug him.

    1. That is true but there could be an associated spoilage problem.

  2. A snack is all we need!

    1. He is still waiting on that snack.

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