Pesky Gremlins Comic 276 – The End

The End

Slim, the plastic glow-in-the-dark skeleton, once again tries his hand at impersonating the great Rod Serling (note that he has Rod’s ever-present cigarette).

Happy Halloween!

7 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 276 – The End

  1. I’m guessing he’ll never fly that airline again? Or any for that matter?

    1. Oh, I am certain that his actions landed him the No-Fly list forever!

  2. Oh, I am certain that his actions landed him the No-Fly list forever!

    1. Ugh, That green shag carpet would be soggy and smell funny.

  3. I’m a believer. Hope you had a great Halloween!

    1. Thanks David. I had a great Halloween!

  4. The plane’s a little tail heavy.

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