It is easy to misinterpret a foreign language that one has only recently been introduced. But Fubar goes well beyond simple misinterpretation.
It is easy to misinterpret a foreign language that one has only recently been introduced. But Fubar goes well beyond simple misinterpretation.
11 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 350 – Misinterpreted”
David Hurley
And two things you don’t need!
H Stacy
At least two things that they don’t need in this strip!
Well I’m sure someone must have a well and a Timmy!
H Stacy
and Fubar is out there searching for them, now.
Jerry Keslensky
A classic !!
H Stacy
That line from Lassie truly is a classic.
Stay out of this, Lucas! ? No… wait… ?
H Stacy
From Lucas’ standpoint, he has won the argument.
Mark Stokes
Lassie couldn’t have said it better! Congrats on 350 strips!
H Stacy
Thanks Mark! 350 and still counting