Backgrounds: The Bus
I wanted to do this one relatively quickly, while the bus that terrorized the werewolf during Slim’s messed up Halloween story was still fresh on Pesky Gremlin’s readers minds. Here are several view of the bus that has harried Pesky Gremlin’s characters in 2018. Yes, I said characters, as in more than one. Remember, Elmo got splashed by a bus while he was interviewing with Amazoogle. Since the bus is never fully shown in either the Amazoogle or Halloween story, I figured I could save an hour or two and reuse the first bus. So, for the first time, here is the whole bus:
I believe that the bus is a Gilling low floor BTR. I found the reference bus on the internet and drew it, more or less, as is but gave it some generic markings.
Here is another view of the bus in it’s unfinished Black and White line form. This was all done in pen and ink before it gets scanned into the computer for painting and shading.
and here is what it looked like about an hour later.
Note that the buses don’t get the same level of shading and highlighting as the Corvettes and Jaguars do. This is mostly due to time constraints AND I already knew that I was going to clip the bus in the cartoon. However, if I ever need a more detailed bus, it’s just a matter of adding some shading layers.
Here is the last bus that I did, in a big hurry when I learned that I could not reuse either of the other two for the last bus incident in Slim’s Halloween story. It’s a simple profile shot, but surprisingly difficult to find a reference.
6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgounds: Bus”
David Hurley
Nice work.
H Stacy
Thank you, David.
Your drawing is great, but today’s buses don’t have nearly as much character as the 60’s silver Greyhound buses of the past.
H Stacy
I agree but I tend to draw lots of older stuff and thought that I should attempt something a little more with times. So, why not a bus?
Whoa! I’m impressed at your research in the quest for detail.
H Stacy
With the internet at your finger tips, the research only takes .03249 seconds! Also, when I just draw something out of my head, it lacks the details and just doesn’t look right.