Pranks A Lot
Snafu has to end his pranks a lot earlier than he planned. But that’s OK, he has another one ready to spring.
I also understand that the gremlins will be making their third and final appearance in Dust Bunny Mafia tomorrow. Be sure to click the link and see what happens when you mix Dust Bunnies and Gremlins!
4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 195 – Pranks A Lot”
Jerry Keslensky
There is nothing sadder then gremlin-interuptus, the act of interrupting a gremlin in the middle of a prank.
H Stacy
That would depend on whether or not you were the object of the prank or not
David Hurley
The fun has only begun!
H Stacy
Time to move to “Phase II” of Snafu’s plan.