Pesky Gremlins Comic 409 – Rock, Paper, Scissors #50

Rock, Paper, Scissors #50

The board game version of Rock Paper Scissors contain some cryptic and potentially foreboding instructions.

Originally run as Pesky Gremlins Comic 50.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 409 – Rock, Paper, Scissors #50

  1. That is always important!

    1. Definitely an exclusive kind of game.

  2. Not a game for the lighthearted!

    1. No, but it does have good instructions.

  3. This sounds like a version published by the ‘Dust Bunny Mafia’… O_o

    1. It does. Now that the original publishing company is out of business, perhaps Dust Bunny Mafia Publishing will pick it up.

  4. Hope it doesn’t include dynamite as a tie breaker.

    1. No, the game doesn’t come with dynamite. Too bad. That would be a blast!

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