Pesky Gremlins Comic 210 – Wise Guys

Wise Guys

Who are these guys that just showed up in the gremlin’s garage?  Why are they here?  What kind of trouble has Snafu stirred up in the past that would cause HIM to be looking over his shoulder.  All those questions and more will be answer BUT not until 6/30.  That is because I will be away from the drawing board and computer technology for that time (yes, there are still places like that in the world).   In the meantime, I have left the space to the talented and funny James Boyd of Sunny Side Up fame.   James’ work with the gremlins will appear Wednesday 6/21, Friday 6/23, Monday 6/26, and Wednesday 6/28.    Please drop by and see Jame’s gremlins cartoons.  You won’t be disappointed.

We will pick up the current story, where we will learn the identities of the two shadowy stranger on 6/30.   Just to make it interesting, I will send a free Pesky Gremlins T-shirt to the first THREE people that can correctly identify the two characters.  Just drop me an email at with the characters identities.

4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 210 – Wise Guys

  1. Have a great vacation.

    1. Thanks! First vacation in a long time.

  2. The funnel of mystery!

    1. That funnel does seem to be attracting some mysterious types. There will probably be more of them before this story ends.

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