Pesky Gremlins Comic 317 – Sizeable Advantage

Sizeable Advantage

We all know that when looking for a job, the big companies hold a sizable advantage, but they don’t have to rub it in.

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 317 – Sizeable Advantage

  1. Those with power will abuse it.

    1. Its officially out there, Stu Stygian is not a nice guy.

  2. I’m not even applying for a position, and suddenly I’m aware of the barrel I’m over… O_o

    1. This is just a cartoon. I am sure that real companies or game show hosts would never behave in such a manner!

  3. He certainly has a lot to say!

    1. Yes he does and none of it is any good.

  4. Somebody needs to e-mail that guy a lighted stick of dynamite.

    1. Is Willie Coyote available for that task?

      Actually, that would be kind of fun to draw…

  5. The sad thing is that this is all true with so many corporations! Good luck, Elmo!

    1. I like to think that I have exaggerated the situation just a little. Hopefully, you will never meet a guy in a sequin jacket that interviews you over a YouTube channel for your next job 🙂

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