Pesky Gremlins Comic Backgrounds: More Corvettes

Backgrounds: More Corvettes

More Corvettes! I don’t seem to tire of drawing Corvettes.  Specifically, Corvettes made between 1963 and 1967.  Due to all the sweeping curves, they are kind of hard to draw.  But that is probably why I like drawing them.

As I mentioned last week.  Elmo’s black Corvette usually starts from a picture of a 1:18 die cast model.  I usually trash these photos as soon as I am done drawing the Corvette’s outline, but I found one that I missed.

Corvette model photo

This vantage point illustrates why I use the little die cast model.  It is highly unlikely that I could find a Corvette photo on the internet from this perspective.  Even photographing a real Corvette from this angle would present some challenges.

Here is the above photo drawn as Elmo’s black Corvette. To the best of my knowledge, it a has not appeared in Pesky Gremlins.  It also needs a little more work before I would consider it finished. But its far close enough for to see how it compares to the picture.

Corvette illustration


I no longer have the model photos for the next two Corvettes but that are both finished.

Corvette illustration

Corvette illustration

2 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic Backgrounds: More Corvettes

  1. Very nice Vette drawings! That model you have is very nicely detailed.

    1. It’s a pretty good model for the money I paid for it. The only problem is that it doesn’t have the wheels with the spinners, so I have to remember to add them to all the drawings.

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