Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: Jaguar

Backgrounds: Jaguar

The one-a-day cartoon pace of October has left me little behind in other areas of real life. So, I am going to take a little break, sort of. I draw lots of background pictures that get sliced, diced, or even left on the cutting room floor. Therefore, while I catch up on non-cartoon related things, I will show you some of those background items that appeared in the Pesky Gremlins Comic.

First up is the Snafu’s beloved Series III Jaguar XKE (Snafu will never ‘fess up to this). Why a Jaguar XKE? Well, as a teenager, I had a friend who’s father had a ’72 Jaguar XKE. The father would often let us drive this car. And we got stalled in it EVERY SINGLE TIME. Funny thing about being stalled in a XKE, is that no one gets mad at you. In fact, they kind of treated us like we were celebrities. Weird. That Jaguar was yellow and a coupe. Coupes don’t work in cartoons so it became a convertible. And of course, a sports car should be red.

From the Pesky Gremlins background standpoint, the gremlins got bored with their previous situation. Listed the car on E-bay, sold it to an unsuspecting Elmo R Glitch, and traveled with the Jaguar to Elmo’s garage where they live today. They will sabotage the Jaguar to frustrate Elmo but would never do it permanent harm.

Here’s another XKE

Jaguar E-type E type XKE illustration

And here is one more.

Jaguar E-type E type XKE illustration

11 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: Jaguar

  1. soooooooweeeeeeeeeeet!

    1. The Jaguar XKE is a great looking car.

  2. The XKE, especially the Series I, was one of the most beautiful cars ever made. Nice drawings!

    1. Enzo Ferrari was reputed to have said that about the Series I E-Type way back in 1961. The one in the Pesky Gremlins garage is a Series III because that one came with the hideously complex Jaguar V12 engine. Gremlins LOVE this engine.
      Hideously Complex Jaguar V12 Engine

      1. I’m sure it would be a bit of challenge to keep them going. The Lucas electrics are often blamed for most of the problems. There are usually a few of them at the local British Car Show each year.

        1. Just doing the drawing above was complicated enough. I am certain that the Jaguar V12 would be a difficult piece of machinery to keep in good working order.

  3. When I was a kid, that was like a fantasy dream car. And they did seem to have a reputation for spending more time in the shop then on the road. Very temperamental. Of course my all time dream car is the Shelby “AC” Cobra. Those babies could blow most cars doors off.

    1. I can still vividly recall being stalled in that beautiful Jaguar. Calling that one temperamental is being kind. Have you ever seen one moving under its own power?

      The Shelby Cobra like the one below?
      Shelby 427 Cobra
      Also, one of my dream cars.

  4. That’s the one.

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