Pesky Gremlins Comic 407 – Rock, Paper, Scissors #48

Rock, Paper, Scissors #48

The instructions for the board game version of Rock Paper Scissors have a few words that Fubar has a hard time pronouncing.  Lucas, however, has no such problem.

Originally run as Pesky Gremlins Comic 48.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 407 – Rock, Paper, Scissors #48

  1. It appears that it is a good thing that the game was not named ” Rock, Paper, Shotgun “.

    1. Funny that you mentioned calling the game “Rock, Paper, Shotgun” When I did this, way back when, I considered calling the came “Rock, Paper, Hand Grenade” — but we all know how that one would end.

  2. Big word!

    1. Fubar has trouble sounding out those bigger words.

  3. If rock doesn’t win legitimately, it can win with force.

    1. Yes, but you still need to watch out for those scissors.

  4. And THAT is why one should always choose rock!!

    1. The rock is always a good choice in this game.

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