Pesky Gremlins Comic 510 – One More Shortcut

One More Shortcut

I am still running a little behind in the real world and since Snafu stole all my pencils, I let him take a crack at drawing the strip.   However, after being stung by his fellow gremlins critical comments, which mostly consisted of “Bleah”, “Ick”, and a horrible gagging sound, Snafu stormed off and left the last panel to me.

Our Ultimate Universal Remote control story will resume next time…

6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 510 – One More Shortcut

  1. I think Winky might have helped Snafu with his drawings.

    1. I thought those drawings looked too good for Snafu to do on his own!

  2. Fubar has the right idea! If you hold you mouth just right, you can almost make it out!

    1. Fubar having a right idea??

  3. They are cute!

    1. Comments like that might encourage Snafu to do more of that “art” in future strips.

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