Pesky Gremlins Comic 405 – Rock, Paper, Scissors #46

Rock, Paper, Scissors #46

Fubar had discovered a whole new way to play the long established game of Rock Paper Scissors.

Originally run as Pesky Gremlins Comic 46.

4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 405 – Rock, Paper, Scissors #46

  1. The Official RPS game!

    1. Available at shady establishment near you!

  2. Shouldn’t he *not* be running with that box, as it contains scissors? 😉
    C’mon Milton Bradley, just fess up that you made that game!

    1. You are right, Fubar should not be running with a game that contains scissors. I never thought of that. Could have made another strip based on that observation. Oh, and Milton Bradly denies any and all associations with this board game.

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