Pesky Gremlins Comic 370 – Overwhelming Numbers

Overwhelming Numbers

Elmo and Sprocket only thought that they were done with the grackles.  As Elmo and Sprocket sit by the side of the road gathering their wits after the encounter with the Peterbilt, the grackles have reappeared in overwhelming numbers 

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 370 – Overwhelming Numbers

  1. Pedal to the metal!

    1. A car like that should be able to outrun a bunch of birds. Right? 🙂

  2. All this story needs is the return of the flying monkeys. L.F. Baum VS A. Hitchcock , the coming apocalypse in the sky. Now add in J. Bezos ‘s drone delivery fleet and you have reproduced the trinity of arial evil. 🙂 Amazing camera work and art in this story by the way.

    1. I do seem to like to draw “stuff that flys” but that probably goes with the gremlins territory. Nikko, the flying monkey, isn’t scripted to show up in this storyline. However, Nikko vs the Amazoogle fleet of drones DOES sound promising.

      And, of course, thank you for the kind words!

  3. And this is when the Gremlins’ gremlining is going to rear its ugly head!

    1. The Jaguar’s infamous real-life reputation and the Gremlin’s gremlining were bound to show up somewhere in this ridiculous story.

  4. Yep! The phantom of the missing bolt is about to materialize… ?

    1. “missing bolts (plural)” said a smug Lucas

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