Pesky Gremlins Comic 316 – Odd Job Interview

Odd Job Interview

After Elmo realized that he would be part of a group interview conducted over Skype, he was certain that things just couldn’t get any weirder.  Could he be wrong?

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 316 – Odd Job Interview

  1. Nothing weird at all here . . .

    1. You have actually been to a job interview in a game show format???

      …and you didn’t find it the least bit weird? 🙂

  2. It all looks like too much fun for me.

    1. It is fun to watch (and Draw)! Stu Stigian, interviewer/game show host, is certainly enjoying himself. But I am not sure if Elmo will enjoy it nearly as much as the rest of us.

  3. Elmo? Wrong? Ummm… could beeeeeeeeeeeeee… 🙄

    1. Elmo seems to operate on an “old school” mindset and is continually surprised, amazed, and most of all wrong.

  4. Is there any wonder that young people are wanting to revolt? This is inhuman, funny stuff, but so wrong on all levels.

    1. It’s not just the young people that are fed up. Most of the inspiration for this comes from my more “seasoned” friends.

  5. I love the reflections in the floor there, nice touch!

    1. Thanks Dana! Polished granite floors need to look like that. But its just a quick computer trick.

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