Still Worse Yet to learn his lesson, Elmo once again asks the question which only serves to increase his misery.
6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 732 – Still Worse”
Jerome R Cudney
Poor Elmo , he better quit while ahead of the ever expanding expense of repairs. Hopefully just a blown gasket and not a hole in the oil pan.
H Stacy
I am not exactly certain what Worse broke on the engine, but it will be messy and expensive to fix.
Glutton for punishment, or he just never learns?
H Stacy
Elmo just doesn’t see the connection between his asking “How could this get worse?” and then it does.
David Hurley
Now that is a mess!
H Stacy
I have got to clean up this mess in real life, before. And it is a chore! However, unlike Elmo, I did not discover it while sitting it it.