Coercion Snafu is coerced at tooth-point to help Elmo answer the question of why Elmo traveled to attend a Skype interview.
6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 328 – Coercion”
The Gremlins Union had better not hear of this!
H Stacy
Fortunately, the little dog can keep a secret otherwise, Snafu would be up for serious union violations.
David Hurley
Things will never be the same.
H Stacy
Probably not, but Elmo still hasn’t made it through the interview process and landed the ultimate techy job at Amazoogle.
Awwwwwwww, now who’s a good puppy dawg? You Are! You’re a good puppy dawg! Yes, you… oh! umm… sorry. Couldn’t help myself. ^^’
H Stacy
Go right a head. The little dog loves the attention.