Pesky Gremlins Comic 435 – Sabotage


The much abused werewolf points out that all of his mishaps might not have been directed entirely at him.  Perhaps, all of these things were meant to ruin Slim’s Halloween story…


Today’s Inktober is of the Dr. Zin’s Robot Spy rising up in the darkened warehouse where it had been stored.  From Jonny Quest episode 8 – “The Robot Spy

Jonny Quest Robot Spy warehouse

6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 435 – Sabotage

  1. Hmmmmm… I’ll bet the identity of the bus driver is veeeeeery interesting…

    1. …and it will be revealed on Halloween (tomorrow). 🙂

  2. Maybe it’s AHA–the Anti-Halloween Association.

    1. I don’t think that AHA reads this comic strip.

  3. Too much cartoon violence

    1. The werewolf couldn’t agree more!

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