Pesky Gremlins Comic 411 – Rock, Paper, Scissors #52

Rock, Paper, Scissors #52

Lucas quickly deduces that he is not starting the board game version of Rock Paper Scissors in a position with much hope for winning

Originally run as Pesky Gremlins Comic 52.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 411 – Rock, Paper, Scissors #52

  1. Don’t do it!

    1. It give the phrase “Roll the Dice” new meaning.

  2. When caught between a rock and a sharp object, extreme caution is advised.

    1. Being caught between a rock and a sharp stabby object is a tactically untenable situation. Lucas needs more options.

  3. That paper may be more than it appears…

    1. Nope, it just regular multi-purpose paper and a legal pad. You never want to be “paper” in the Rock, Paper, Scissors board game!

  4. If you have paper you have no chance of winning if you go first, but you’re guaranteed to win if you go second.

    1. If you used the whole 500 sheet ream of paper as a shield you might last until the second turn…

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