Not Helpful
Its no surprise that gremlins are generally not helpful. Snafu can’t even fake it when discussing Fubar’s sensitive broken horn issue. The mere suggestion of being helpful reduces Snafu to snickering mess who can’t even deliver his ONE line of dialog.
Kind of makes you wonder what Snafu might be up to…
Also, here is the link to the last Dust Bunny Mafia– Gremlins comic crossover: Dust Bunny Mafia-Growth Experience I would like to thank Bret Juliano for including the gremlins in the world of the Dust Bunny Mafia! Also, this last cartoon was definitely my favorite
2 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 196 – Not Helpful”
Jerry Keslensky
When dealing with a gremlin it is advisable to wear hip waders.
H Stacy
or a bio-hazard suit!