Pesky Gremlins Comic 218 – A Shameful Thing

A Shameful Thing

The Dust Bunnies reluctantly admit to something that they are very ashamed of.

Click to see the Dust Bunny Mafia.

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 218 – A Shameful Thing

  1. With Google’s location tracking turned on by default, it’s not that hard to pinpoint general areas of people anymore.

    1. Lucas will be turning off that setting in the very near future!

      1. No doubt, but will it stay off with Snafu and Fubar tinkering around?

        1. Who knows with those two?

  2. Twacked down by Twitter!

    1. Yeth! Gotta be careful what you share.

  3. Eh, shameful or not, I’m following you anyway. 😀

    1. Just don’t tell anyone 🙂

  4. You really need to stop using Twitter. Everyone in the Mainstream Media says it’s detracting from your agenda and stepping on your message. Oh wait a minute, that’s the other Pesky Gremlin.

    1. That pesky gremlins if way out of my control!

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