Pesky Gremlins Comic 219 – Looking Back

Looking Back

Snafu begins to relate the story of how he came to possess the Tinman’s famous hat.

Check out the Dust Bunny Mafia at their website.

7 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 219 – Looking Back

  1. If this evolves into a bunch of little people singing about the Lolly Pop Guild… somebody is going to get such a pinch.

    1. Rest assured there will be no singing!

  2. AHA! I think we are going to see another way to get over the rainbow!

    1. Well, sort of. But I don’t want to give it away just yet 🙂

  3. I think a few of your Gremlins have been tinkering with my rocket.

    1. Wait a minnit! Do you think that was what happened to Frazbot?! :-7

    2. That is a distinct possibility. They have caused some pretty spectacular rocket failures.

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