Pesky Gremlins Comic 507 – Fireworks


The gremlins are taking a little break from their “Universal Remote” story to bring you this bit of holiday related nonsense.

The “Universal Remote” story will resume on Wednesday 7/10 and there will be new material posted on Friday 7/5 and Monday 7/8.

4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 507 – Fireworks

  1. I really like the waving marshmallow-on-fire effect.

    1. Thanks Peter. The marshmallow-on-fire effect was all done with the computer, so I can’t really take much credit for it. But I was pleased with the results.

  2. Fubar… the ever unintentional life of the party! 😆

    1. With Fubar, its always unintentional.

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