No Good Deed…

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 132 – No Good Deed…

No Good Deed…

You all know what they say – No good deed goes unpunished.  In this instance, Fubar, learns this by rearranging a single Christmas light.

From a “behind the scenes” standpoint, this was the first cartoon that I have done with the new Clip Studio Paint V1.6.2.  I performed an upgrade Friday after posting.  Previously, I have been using a much old version of the product and was reluctant to upgrade.  Much to my surprise, the upgrade went just fine.  Furthermore, the new version works just as good as the old version (something that I can’t say about the website upgrade that recently locked me out for a week and still has niggling problems).   In short, the new Clip Studio works great.  It also has a lot of new features.  I have not had much time to explore the new content, but I plan to do that soon.


2 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 132 – No Good Deed…

  1. Fubar is living up to his namesake. It’s like pulling a loose thread on a knit sweater. Nothing good ever comes from that either.

    1. The loose thread on a knit sweater is a great analogy for what is happening. It gets worse…

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